Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Post Labor Day Interval Run

Well, I promised a quick cardio workout and though a little late in the day, here is one that I do when training for a 5k:

Warmup: 5min at a brisk pace
1st interval: jog/run at a comfortable pace for 2.5min, then run at a faster but not reckless speed for about 30 secs. Following this sprint, slow down to a brisk walk again and catch your breath for about 2min. Go ahead and repeat 4x and end it with an additional 3min brisk walk (this will actually make the final brisk walk a total of 5min.). Congrats!!! You have finished a 28min trek and have now managed to get further then anybody who has never tried.

Some important notes: the experts seem to indicate that they see no reduction in injury if you do any kind of stretching immediately before a run (Runner's World Article on the subject which warrants a discussion of its own), but have gone on to say that if you already stretch then DO NOT STOP.

Even if you do opt-out of the stretching I still cannot place enough emphasis on the need for a brisk warm-up walk (enough to drum up the heart rate) which WILL help prevent injuries. You will see this same practice applied to weights: warm-up with a light weight to get the muscles ready for the heavier stuff. The reason I have a cooldown at the end of the run is to help prevent muscle fatigue in the days to come. If you have not done any cardio or any kind of resistance training, then you will feel some tenderness and stiffness for the next few days but rest assured, once you are capable of performing again the soreness is extremely short in comparison for future events.

For those of you who do this on a treadmill, if you are preparing yourself for any kind of outdoor work then I recommend increasing the incline slightly to mimic the wind resistance you feel outdoors. Trust me, there is a large difference between running on the tradmill and hitting the street.

Now the most important advice of all: Have fun with it!!

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