Monday, September 5, 2011

Introduction and Labor Day


What better time is there then at the end of Labor Day to begin a health oriented blog? I would like to start this blog by giving some of my own past experiences and what I want to accomplish on here.

To begin with, I am a 28 year old (at least in October I shall be) who has been overweight his entire life. At my heaviest I was easily 380lbs, and currently I weigh 174. To put it into perspective, I have not weighed that since I was probably a preteen. This coupled with my mild cerebral palsy led to some extreme difficulties moving at that extreme of a size. After some encouragement from my friends, I began to calorie count and resistance training. Maybe a year or so after I began the dieting and working out, I hit a plateau and nearly gave up. It was then that I was introduced to running and I have taken up running as both a hobby and a passion and to present have a good 15 or so races under my belt including multiple 5k's and 10k's and 1 half marathon. I am hoping to share this love of running and exercise including my workout/running routines, the equipment I use to train with, and the results of these efforts to encourage others.

One other hobby I have is a love of food. Food is what made me the man I was (literally) and shall always be a part of my life but I have learned to control this love of food and channel it in my new found love for cooking. I would love to share the recipes that I have found to be both satisfying and nutritious.

The final thing I hope to achieve with this blog is to share information that may or may not be pertinent to weight loss, but that I think is relevant to health in general. I believe that knowledge is power, and I wish to share the power I used to become healthier with you, the readers.

At this point I have not had many pictures to include, but I promise I will include some visual aids when needed, especially when it comes to the cooking. I do not have a camera, but have always been fascinated with photography of food, so you can expect a bit of exploration there as well!

Labor Day

So now that I have written about myself and got that awkward mess out of the way, we can get down to business: How was the holiday? Did you go anywhere special? Have any good beers? I am a great lover of beer (in moderation) and am always interested in a good brew. My weekend was filled up with my 3yo birthday (yeah!) and an unfortunate bout of a sore tummies =( At least the week ended well enough though, since for the first time in what seems like this year, the temperatures have dropped down under the triple digits for Oklahoma and the high was just above 70 (talk about a cold front!!!) I got in a good 5.3mi run in so I was pleased.

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