Welcome one and all to another update made possible by my keyboard ;) I am an quite a jovial mood currently, in fact I am border line giddy because my girlfriend participated in her first 1 mile walk this weekend with our 3yo and had a good time. On top of that, I have an amazing challenge ahead of me this weekend with the Warrior Dash! Unlike a normal 5k where my mindset is to break a 30 min 5k, these types of obstacle courses are about finishing. I have done one other obstacle course like this before with The Dirty 30 and I gotta say, if you are looking for a challenge and are not afraid of getting a little dirty, then you should definitely locate one of these or other similar events. Below is a picture of the Dirty 30 with my good friend Ethan.

I am a little down though, because I let fear get the better part of me this weekend when we attended the state fair and I tried riding some rides. I have a bad fear of heights but I did well on one ride and even admitted to have fun, but I just could not push myself a second time even knowing that the fear was undeserved. Below is a picture (not mine) of the ride I did do.

For some reason starting a few years back I got a terrible fear of heights, which is ironic because I love the mountains but honestly driving up the mountains I get a bit of vertigo and get quite panicked. Well the same thing happened when I tried to go on rides. The first one I just felt trapped in, and beyond that I had trouble getting near any of them. The odd thing is its not a fear of death, dismemberment or maiming, but a fear nonetheless. It seems to be just a fear of feeling a level of discomfort. It is the oddest thing to think about but that is what it boils down to. I am afraid of having to deal with a worse fear than I am prepared for. I have the same feeling in regards to surgery: I would prefer to be knifed in the street by a masked figure than sit there and watch a surgeon cut into me for a procedure.

One reason I got as big as I did was because I would buy food en mass because I feared being hungry. "Small pizza might not be enough, and what if it is not? Might as well make it an extra large that way I shall be covered." It seems like an odd thing to be afraid of, but it was an anticipation of something undesired and ergo a fear.
Do you have any fears that hold you back, either rational or not? It can be a fear of judgment at the gym, a fear of making a fool of yourself in a given situation, not being able to finish a simple walk, rejection or even a fear of Friday the 13th - remember, we do not judge in here! Identifying a fear is not a sign of weakness, but rather it can make you stronger by helping you gain valuable insight. And facing ones fear does not necessarily mean you will be completely frightless or love that thing, but it may take the edge off things and allow you to move forward.

I am a little down though, because I let fear get the better part of me this weekend when we attended the state fair and I tried riding some rides. I have a bad fear of heights but I did well on one ride and even admitted to have fun, but I just could not push myself a second time even knowing that the fear was undeserved. Below is a picture (not mine) of the ride I did do.
For some reason starting a few years back I got a terrible fear of heights, which is ironic because I love the mountains but honestly driving up the mountains I get a bit of vertigo and get quite panicked. Well the same thing happened when I tried to go on rides. The first one I just felt trapped in, and beyond that I had trouble getting near any of them. The odd thing is its not a fear of death, dismemberment or maiming, but a fear nonetheless. It seems to be just a fear of feeling a level of discomfort. It is the oddest thing to think about but that is what it boils down to. I am afraid of having to deal with a worse fear than I am prepared for. I have the same feeling in regards to surgery: I would prefer to be knifed in the street by a masked figure than sit there and watch a surgeon cut into me for a procedure.
One reason I got as big as I did was because I would buy food en mass because I feared being hungry. "Small pizza might not be enough, and what if it is not? Might as well make it an extra large that way I shall be covered." It seems like an odd thing to be afraid of, but it was an anticipation of something undesired and ergo a fear.
Do you have any fears that hold you back, either rational or not? It can be a fear of judgment at the gym, a fear of making a fool of yourself in a given situation, not being able to finish a simple walk, rejection or even a fear of Friday the 13th - remember, we do not judge in here! Identifying a fear is not a sign of weakness, but rather it can make you stronger by helping you gain valuable insight. And facing ones fear does not necessarily mean you will be completely frightless or love that thing, but it may take the edge off things and allow you to move forward.
I'm so proud of you for riding that ride!! Especially since I have experienced your fear of heights at Frontier City on the ferris wheel! I was telling Rod about that yesterday actually, lol! As for my fear, I would have to say my biggest fear at the moment is having children LOL!! I want them eventually, but I am scared of them. I feel like I will never be ready. I guess only time will tell if there will be any mini Trish and Rods running around lol